Rewilding Voice and Body

with Shay Nichols and Lauren Tietz

Saturday, February 15th

1-5:15 pm

Studio in Holy Cross

The basic human desire to be seen and accepted is one of the driving forces of life. We long to be seen/loved and equally so to be understood. Being witnessed in an atmosphere of loving presence and trust is powerful. 

In this workshop we will explore two contemplative practices-Authentic Movement and Wild Sounding-that access the wisdom held in our bodies and voices, helping us expand our experience of who we are. 

Authentic Movement (AM) practice invites us to listen with the whole body for impulses to move, be moved or to be still with eyes closed in the presence of one or more compassionate witnesses who are in turn, tracking their own internal responses (to seeing those emergent expressions of movement and stillness).

AM is a practice of coming home to presence, to the now, to the body, as it is. Movers notice sensations, feelings, movement patterns, internal images, rhythms - the internal landscape of the body. It invites embodiment, mindfulness, in real time. A generative somatic space of discovery. We practice welcoming what is arising, turning towards the unknown with a curiosity and agency, with choice.

Witnesses with eyes open, notice what is being expressed in the movement space, and notice what moves inside them as they witness. There is no directive from the outside -other than the agreements we make for safety- but rather, an open invitation to follow our curiosity. It is both meditative and expressive. It is both internal, personal and relational. 

Voice goes right to the core of who we are.  Part of the healing power of wild sounding is that it has the ability to touch the deepest parts of ourselves, our hearts, our essence, our identity. Our voice can release stuck emotions, soothe us, give us energy, and connect us to resource. Our bodies are wired for sound.

Wild sounding accesses and expresses the collective wisdom held in our bodies.  We learn to trust the intelligence of our bodies through sound,  tapping into our emotions, our memories, our ancestors, the intelligence of nature within us.  

Through these practices, we will go on a journey of listening and organic unfolding. A journey of rewilding, where we allow the movement and sound to take us where we need to go.

Cost:$85/$65/45 Sliding Scale

Questions? Email Shay at or Lauren

About Lauren -

Lauren Tietz has been practicing Authentic Movement (Contemplative Dance)for almost twenty five years, and facilitating classes, workshops and retreats for over twelve years. She delights in supporting participants in exploring inner and outer relationality, orienting to the unknown, discovering new landscapes, agency, power, pleasure, and new layers of feeling, emotions, sensations, shapes.

Lauren is a dance and movement-based interdisciplinary artist and teacher working with the body through the different mediums of dance performance, installation, dance film and writing. In love with site-specific work Lauren has been involved with land-based collaborative movement research, where the act of land-ing, place-ing invites reciprocal rememberings and interspecies communing.

Lauren also works in the field of somatic movement and biodynamic craniosacral therapy, bringing a gentleness and emotionally attuned presence as she assists people in the powerful work of sensing and feeling through the body, a place of rich creativity, healing and transformation.

She is happy to be teaching with Shay again, the space where movement and sound intersect and overlap is oh so rich. and